
Gay Pride : a divise subject

Le Monde (a French national daily newspaper), front page, June 22, 1993 : “One out of two French people accepts marriage between homosexuals [...]. The French are increasingly tolerant of homosexuality. In 1986, 54 % of those questioned considered homosexuality just another way of living one’s sex life. That figure rose to 67 % in 1993. Similarly, 48 % of French people now feel that homosexual couples should be allowed to get married.”

Le Monde, June 22, 1993 (yes, the same day), page eleven : “French people are increasingly less tolerant of homosexuals. Close to half (46 %) of French people tend to be shocked by the existence of demonstrations such as Gay Pride. This figure, taken from a survey done for Le Monde by the IFOP (a polling institute), is in itself a reflection of societal reticences towards homosexuality [...]. Tolerance is stagnating, if not actually regressing slightly. This also tells us something else : opinions on the subject are divided.”

Yes indeed, the paper’s editors too seem to be divided on the subject. Unless, again, this is a way of encouraging readers to feel free to develop their own opinion. An original but somewhat confusing initiative.

Clara Halbschatten
August 1996

Penumbra, 2001 June